Helps Foundation

Education Blog Post



( Manav Sevak Vrund - Helps Foundation )

HELPS Foundation celebrated "national girl child day" on 24th January, 2022. A drawing competition was held at Wadia village of Tharad taluka for children to bring out their creativity on paper. Helps Foundation also has worked and always will work to Educate, Encourage and Empower girls by providing Health, Education and Livelihood.

Helps Foundation Education Initiative -Luv Kush Pathshala Provides Education For All

( Dr. Dhirendra Patel in collaboration with Helps Foundation )

Helps Foundation initiative towards Education For All known as Luv Kush Pathshala with Janta Foundation. We are trying to provide Free Qualitative Education To All which is goal of Right To Education.

Steps towards quality education - by the team of 'HELPS Pathshala'

( Yashree Desai - Helps Foundation )

Vidyadan - HELPS Foundation's program driven by the spirit of Shresthadan - 'HELPS Pathashala' is working towards imparting quality education to the children of Mandalpura village. In this project, the team of HELPS Foundation - Dr. Dhirendra Patel, Dr. Kajal Patel, Meena, Kareena, Anjali and I (Yashree) are contributing. A total of 45 children from 1st to 8th standard participate in educational activities in this school which has been running for 3 months.

Equitable Development Through Food For All - Helps Foundation

( Helps Foundation )

Ensuring food for all is not merely a matter of sustenance but a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of equitable development. By fostering agricultural innovation, promoting sustainable farming practices, and bolstering food distribution networks, we can create a world where no one goes hungry. Collaboration between governments, NGOs, and the private sector is essential to address the complex web of factors contributing to food insecurity, from poverty and inequality to climate change and conflict. Empowering communities with access to education, resources, and economic opportunities further strengthens the foundation for Food Security, fostering resilience and prosperity for generations to come.

Quality Education and Free Education from Helps Foundation

( Dr. Dhirendra Patel )

Mandanpura HELPS Pathshala is a quality education initiative of HELPS Foundation. Quality Education for poor students is not just a matter of social justice; it is an investment in human potential and a catalyst for sustainable development and progress. Helps Foundation with local communities working together to ensure that every child, regardless of their socio-economic background, has access to the transformative power of quality education.

Equity and Social Justice through Quality Education in Rural Students

( Dr. Dhirendra Patel )

Free and Quality Education for rural students is not only a moral imperative but also a wise investment in the future prosperity and well-being of rural communities and the nation as a whole. It helps to ensure that all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute positively to society.